Improvising food is something which can be done by anyone. Even if you are novice and don’t know how to cook then too you can master the art of improvising food. You can smile and ask how, and I will smile and answer just because it is all about experimenting with new. And when a novice starts cooking they really don’t knows the recipes, the very ingredients like peppers, and many others. The cooking can start with just quinoa and beef and the simple idea of how to cook it.  They can create all together a new dish and present them at the dinner table. Don’t be afraid to do the experiments. Fear can hamper all your fun and happiness that you can get cooing an entirely new dish.

Everyone is always interested to have a new dish but no one wants to change the way they cook food. They follow the old method of cooking bell peppers but never want to add up Quinoa and beef with it. But why they are afraid of change? Because altogether they think, in fact are afraid that it can spoil the taste of the food. Make a new dish with the old and new ingredients together. Create the magic of improvising food and every one is surely going to love the change. Bell Peppers Stuffed with Quinoa and Beef can create magic for the taste buds and everyone is going to appreciate your special efforts. 

Go and try the mouth watering dish Bell Peppers stuffed with Quinoa and Beef. What make sit really unique and special is that it is nutritious and even tasty at the same time. There is Quinoa to add to the nutritional value to the dish and then there are bell peppers and beef which will take the responsibility to add taste and flavor to the dish. The unique combination is liked by everyone. It is easy to prepare and takes hardly few minutes to prepare the dish. The dish was possible only when the chef thought of improvising food. The chef was really not afraid of the results as there was a conviction that something really good is going to happen.

Everyone can easily prepare a new dish. What takes to do it a will and to take the path of unknown? To start as a fresher try giving a new flavor to some simple dish or try to change an ingredient in a dish or two. You are going to fall in love with the art of cooking.

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    Mike Kolton

    My name is Mike, I was born in Israel, and currently live and work in California. Cooking by following recipes can be tedious and boring and you don’t always have all the ingredients at home.


    December 2013

