Pizza with dough CauliflowerPizza with dough Cauliflower
Luciano Pavarotti once quoted that one of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating, but I would like to modify the statement a bit and would like to say that one of the unique things about the life is the way we must stop doing the things the old way and devote our attention on improvising food to make something different with new tastes and flavors. And in real it is the art and the passion of cooking. 

Most of you people might be fond of eating pizza. It is the favorite food of people of all age groups. It is tasty but at the same time brings significant amount of calories with it. Most of the calories come from the dough pizza and the cheese on it. IF we think a bit differently and think of using some other crust then the dish might still taste tasty and can be kept low on calories. But what is that one thing which can bring in the required changes. Well if you want to have a healthy pizza and don’t want to put on weight you can try to make a pizza with cauliflower crust. It can satiate your need of having a pizza and only take 30% of the calories in the body. By improvising food you don’t have to give up your love for pizza. The modifications in the recipe can be done by anyone. It is not so tough. Here it is about the dough pizza while in other cases you can even change the many ingredients used in the toppings of pizza.

Cauliflower dough pizza can prepared in a matter of 30 minutes and needs a cooking time of 20 minutes. In all you can prepare 4 servings in a time period of 40 minutes. The many ingredients used in making the pizza are olive oil, fresh oregano, garlic, tomato paste, ketchup, water, cauliflower, eggs, mozzarella cheese, salt, mushrooms, red onion, broccoli, Cherry tomatoes, Green bell pepper and Tarragon. You can change the ingredients of the toppings and even try crust of some other ingredient. You just need to use your imagination and have to think out of the box. Some people even use zucchini in place of cauliflower. Whatever the pantry is open and you can make use of any ingredient that you wish of and can work on improvising food.

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    Mike Kolton

    My name is Mike, I was born in Israel, and currently live and work in California. Cooking by following recipes can be tedious and boring and you don’t always have all the ingredients at home.


    December 2013

